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  • Writer's pictureBess Desta

Daily Schedule {Quarantine Edition}

Updated: Apr 20, 2020

One of the ways I am using to cope with being quarantined with a toddler is by sticking to a schedule. It is totally cool to wing it, if that works for you. Me, that would not work. We would have done all the activities I could have imagined in the first 5 minutes on the first day of the first week and then I would feel stressed trying to find other ways to fill the time. I am a teacher by trade, so a schedule is good for my heart.

My daughter also operates really well when there is a firm routine or schedule. She has been this way since she was born! She would literally start fussing 5 minutes before it was time for her next bottle. A little alarm system for sure. So a routine/schedule works really well for her.

Flexibility is still important to me in this schedule. While all the areas have specific times, sometimes we skip stuff, stick with one activity for too long or just watch a movie. The goal of the schedule is to provide an outline for our time where I can live more in the moment, find better places to do some of my work, and pace ourselves to nap time.

When you look through this schedule, keep in mind that we are in a 2 bedroom apartment with limited access to outside. If I had direct access to a yard, there would be multiple areas of time for outside play, but we are making the best of the situation!

Desta Fam Daily Schedule {Quarantine Edition}

7:00am Wake Up & Daniel Tiger with Milk

7:30am Free Play with TV

9:00am Breakfast with Devotional

9:30am Free Play with Music

10:20am Get Dressed & Brush Teeth

10:30am Activity Time

11:00am Craft or Sensory Bin

11:30am Story Time

12:00pm Lunch Time

12:30pm Water Table Playtime on Porch

1:00pm FaceTime with Family

1:30pm TV Time and Milk

2:00pm Nap Time

4:00pm TV Time and Snack

4:30pm Free Play

6:00pm Dinner Time

6:45pm Family Time

8:15pm Bath Time

8:30pm Milk and Pajanimals (Netflix)

9:00pm Bed Time

Here are my top things to consider when making a schedule for these trying times:

1. Be realistic. If you are working from home or you know you and your kids need TV time, then do it. Make your schedule what works for your family. It is simply allocated and organizing your time, so you can be more intentional when you need to be. So you can ditch the mom guilt when you go hide in the kitchen to drink coffee while your kids watch Frozen 2 for the 100th time. Don't make a schedule based upon most perfect expectation, but based upon your interests, your children and their temperaments, and what you need to accomplish each day (working from home, chores, e-learning, etc.).

2. Don't over schedule. If you know you and your children like to take your time with crafts, then give yourself the time you need. Incorporate more free play. Section a huge part of the day to be outside with no goals. If you schedule each minute of the day, that may be more stress than it's worth. Schedule based upon what works best for you and your children.

3. Post it in a central location. It doesn’t have to be formal or fancy, write it on something and get it up where you can see it. It takes one thing off your mind and will help your kids and partners stick to it as well. If it works better for your family, incorporate graphics to help younger children read the schedule and know what to anticipate throughout the day.

4. Be able to ditch the schedule if it's too much. It's ok to make a schedule, then ditch it. You can try it and then decide to go back to works for you. You also can make an initial schedule, then tailor it to be more honest/realistic for your family. Again, a schedule is an outline to guide your day, so you can breathe more.

The schedule has given me space to breathe. It allows me to not feel that dreaded mom guilt when I am on my phone doing things for my family - grocery shopping, house shopping, answering email and every in between - or just scrolling through Instagram. Some days we do really well with the schedule, then some days we are down for nap early and go to bed even later. It's not perfect, but it makes the days go by a little quicker and I feel a little less stressed.

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